среда, 21 сентября 2016 г.

210916 Среда

1.  Clean and Jerk*
A.  1x3 at 60%, 
B.  1x3 at 70%, 
C.  3x3 at 75%
*All reps are drop from the top


2.  Conditioning
1 Round:
800 Meter Row
80 DU, 21 HPC (135/95)
2 Rounds:
400 Meter Row
40 DU, 15 HPC (135/95)
3 Rounds:
200 Meter Row
20 DU, 9 HPC (135/95)


3.  Gymnastics Conditioning
2 Rounds of:
2 mins of max rep Ring Muscle ups
1 mins of max rep Strict HSPU
2 mins of max rep C2B Pull ups
1 min of max kipping HSPU

MU practice 5x4

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